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Vitamin Well Zero: Hip fashion drink

For more than 10 years, the healthy "Vitamin Well" drinks have existed, which have little sugar, but all the more vitamins and minerals and which represent the healthy alternative to conventional lemonades and sweet drinks.

Now the Swedish beverage manufacturer is launching the "Vitamin Well Zero" line with two flavors in stylish cans: the "Vitamin Well Reload" in the "Lemon/Lime" flavor and the "Vitamin Well Celebrate" in the "Mango/Pineapple" flavor. These canned drinks with cool labels are absolutely in these days. Many energizer drinks appear on the market in a similar way. And especially the younger buyers are really into these drinks. With Vitamin Well you can be sure that the drinks are healthy and enriched with vitamins and minerals. The "Zero" means zero percent sugar. The drinks are sugar-free, but carbonated to make them refreshing, which they are. The taste, as with conventional Vitamin Well drinks, is not as strong as the stated flavor might now suggest. This is because the sugar is missing. Mango and pineapple are extremely sweet fruits, and their high fructose content is responsible for this. When the sugar is missing, the taste is also a bit more watery and weaker. This is only logical.

The term "thirst quencher" must be put into perspective: This is not an isotonic drink or crystal-clear chilled water, but it is also not a completely oversweetened lemonade, but a healthy, vitamin-rich refreshing drink that tingles wonderfully thanks to the carbon dioxide. All such sweetened and acidified beverages actually require natural water on the part of the body to help the kidneys break down excess salts and other harmful substances. But in our society people are no longer aware of these facts and blindly trust the industry. Many people no longer drink pure water at all. Vitamin Well drinks may be much healthier than conventional sodas, but they are not water either. And an extra sip of water late at night must be recommended for the sake of the kidneys.

The added amounts of vitamins and minerals seem to me in my opinion well chosen, even if it could be less, after all, we take vitamins and minerals also through normal food. With the amount of folic acid in the mango/pineapple flavor, I think they meant it a little too well. The recommended daily amount of folic acid or vitamin B9 is 200 µg, one can contains 142 µg according to the package, which means that with two cans alone the daily requirement is more than covered. This does not lead to problems, unless you take the stuff by the case for years (by the way, this applies to any other substance), but it is also not necessary.

You can buy the stylish thirst quenchers in the Coop for CHF 1.95 or online at for CHF 2.50, which is more than fair. If you want to know more, you can find more information on the manufacturer's website at

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