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Usain Bolt wins narrowly in Monaco

The ravages of time are also gnawing away at sprint legend Usain Bolt. Since his legendary world record over 100 m in only 9.58 seconds at the World Championships 2009 in Berlin, 8 years have passed. Nevertheless, everyone at the this year's world championships in London Bolt's triumphal procession and above all there is no one who would begrudge him this, his successes are too incredible. But with "only" 9.95 seconds, Bolt won the race at the Diamond League meeting in Monaco, on Friday, July 21, 2017, only razor-thinly ahead of American Isiah Young (9.98 s) and South African Akani Simbine (10.02 s). Dominating superiority looks different. Even if he recently ran the 100 m just over 10 seconds and this represents an upward trend, "there is still a lot to do" before the World Championships at the beginning of August in London. Especially the 35-year-old American Justin Gatlin, who won the US trials in Sacramento with 9.95 seconds despite a headwind, could see his chance to break Bolt's dominance during the past years. And his compatriot Yohan Blake, the second-fastest man on earth with his 9.69 seconds in 2012, also showed he could wrest the crown from Bolt with his 9.90 seconds at the Jamaican national championships. The 100-meter race at the 2017 World Championships in London is likely to be one of the most exciting in years, with Bolt's dominance no longer so great and the hunger for gold all the greater among his closest rivals, who see a real chance of winning gold. An unfamiliar picture could emerge on the evening of August 5, 2017, a beaten Bolt. Is it already time?

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