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Stoll Bikes: The next Swiss bike brand is born

Former professional cyclist Thomas Stoll has become the inventor and founder of the new bike brand "Stoll Bikes". His bikes are high quality and made like tailor-made suits to the needs of the buyer. Each carbon frame is individually handmade for each customer. The Stoll Bike is the Zai ski among mountain bikes, a premium mountain bike that also has its price.

by Rolf Fleckenstein

The first thing I asked Thomas Stoll when I discovered his new bike brand was whether he was not afraid to find customers at all with such high prices. The concept of the brand was unknown to me until then. "No," he answered me perkily, "we've been in the market for about 5 months now and customers have taken to our concept well and we've sold our first 40 bikes." Well, 40 bikes, that doesn't sound like the big mass now, but exactly, that's not what it's supposed to be. The sales target for 2017: 100 bikes!

The highlight: individual frame construction
The highlight of a Stoll bike is its high individuality and quality. Anyone can build expensive components, but to manufacture a frame individually for the customer,...

You can find the whole article in the issue 1/2017, which you can order with the following form!
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