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Rolf Fringer is new Kia ambassador

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Kia Sorento: The 4×4 expert for football pundit Rolf Fringer

Rolf Fringer is known as a Swiss football coach with a lot of experience also abroad, as Nati coach of the late 90s and today as a football expert who is not afraid to analyze football tactics and games clearly, understandably and with a lot of commitment.

Since the beginning of July 2018, Rolf Fringer has been on the road with the Kia Sorento as a Kia ambassador. The Sorento, Kia's top-of-the-line 4×4, allows comfortable travel, whether on the highway, in the mountains, or on remote roads around the world. Rolf Fringer greatly appreciates the all-round characteristics of the Kia, its sportiness, endurance, power and comfort in his new vehicle. On a recent trip across the Alps to Italy, he was able to enthusiastically test the capabilities of his new companion. Rolf Fringer doesn't yet know whether he will one day pull a three-ton boat on vacation, but it's good to know that the Kia Sorento can also handle this task with flying colors.

Rolf Fringer, der in seiner aktiven Trainerlaufbahn zwei Schweizer Meister-Titel mit Aarau und GC feiern konnte, sagt zu seiner neuen Automarke: „Kia ist sehr zielstrebig, ehrgeizig und erfreut mit tollen, hochstehenden und qualitativ hervorragenden Autos und einem einzigartigen 7-Jahres-Garantie-Versprechen. Ich habe mich von Kia – Power to Surprise – überzeugt und freue mich, Kia als Markenbotschafter in der Schweiz zu vertreten.“[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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