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Hemp for athletes: Are hemp seeds worthwhile for athletes?

Valuable ingredients: Nutrition plays a central role for athletes. This is because the body's performance and regeneration can be positively influenced by nutrient intake. The seeds of the hemp plant are considered the new superfood for athletes and can be enjoyed pure, incorporated into doughs or served as a topping on a crunchy salad.

But what is hemp and how do cannabis, hemp, marijuana and hashish differ? What are hemp seeds and what properties of the nuts should athletes be able to benefit from? And what do the small seeds taste like? This article provides answers!

What is hemp?

Long stems and oily seeds: The hemp plant, also known as cannabis, belongs - along with hops - to the Cannabaceae family. The dioecious plant has female or male organs for reproduction or has both reproductive organs (hermaphrodite).

In addition, the cannabis sativa ("useful hemp") takes a short time to grow. Within four days, the plant can reach a height of four meters on average. As a rule, the hemp plant grows up to seven meters high.

In the European Union female hemp plants under strictly controlled conditions cultivated. They contain hardly any THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), but convince with a high cannabidiol content (CBD content).

Compared to THC, the effect CBD not psychoactive. Oils with the active ingredient CBD, as found among others on are said to be beneficial to health, for example by inhibiting inflammation, promoting regeneration processes and relieving anxiety.

How do cannabis, hemp, marijuana and hashish differ?

Hemp oil, CBD oil, marijuana and hashish are all derived from the hemp plant. But to what extent can cannabis, hemp, marijuana and hashish be distinguished from each other?

  • Cannabis or hemp: In Latin, the hemp family is called cannabis.
  • Marijuana: Weed, ganja, weed or marijuana - the green, brown, white or purple flowers of the female hemp plant have many names. The glandular hairs of the flowers contain THC, CBD and other cannabinoids.
  • Hashish: The resin of the hemp plant is called hashish or dope and contains up to 30 percent THC.

What are hemp seeds?

Hemp seeds are the small Grains of the female useful hemp plant Cannabis sativa, which have a diameter of about 3 millimeters. They belong to the group of nuts and can be eaten pure or as an ingredient in a food, for example in a delicious bread.

The following applies: Hemp seeds act Non psychoactivebecause they contain hardly any THC. Because the active ingredient was almost completely bred out. Hemp seeds therefore do not make you high. Consumers appreciate the product dubbed superfood for its crunch, delicious taste and health-promoting properties attributed to hemp seeds.

Nutrition for athletes: what are the benefits of hemp seeds?

To increase performance and improve over the training phase, a balanced diet strategy of significance. The same applies if persons slimming would like

However, it should be noted: The group "athletes" are not of the same nature. For example, they differ in terms of body size, body weight and training intensity. For this reason, the diet must be individually adapted to the respective person and personal goals.

The German Society for Nutrition advises to Macronutrients carbohydrates, proteins and fats in a balanced ratio and also provide vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fiber. But do hemp seeds support a balanced diet?

Are hemp seeds an optimal source of protein?

Protein (egg white) titled Structures with over 100 amino acidswhich in turn consist of hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen. They are divided into simple and composite proteins. The former comprise exclusively amino acids, while the latter are composed of amino acids and another group. These may be carbohydrates, for example. 

The human body needs 20 different amino acidsto produce proteins. In this context, one speaks of the so-called proteinogenic proteins. Many proteins are provided by meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, legumes and whole grains.

As a rule of thumb, plant proteins usually contain fewer essential amino acids than animal proteins. For this reason, animal and plant proteins are combined.

Hemp seeds are vegetable proteins and contain all essential amino acids. They have a Protein content of about 20 percent and serve as an optimal source of protein. Hemp thus offers a complete amino acid profile and helps the body to produce its own protein.

Another advantage is the high bioavailability. This means that the ingredients can be ideally dissolved from the food matrix and absorbed by the body. Bioavailability can be determined by the amount of active ingredient in the body fluids.

Can hemp seeds help build muscle?

Among other things, hemp contains the Amino acids cysteine and methionine as well as leucine, valine and isoleucine. The former are involved in the detoxification processes of the cells. They can also influence the formation of enzymes.

The vital substances support the biochemical metabolism and serve as catalysts. The digestive enzymes, for example, break down the ingested food into simple sugars, convert fats into fatty acids or split proteins into amino acids.

Leucine, valine and isoleucine on the other hand, can support the growth of muscles and facilitate the regeneration process after the Sports promote. Because hemp seeds contain magnesium, potassium and calcium. The three minerals can influence not only heart function, but also muscle function.

Are hemp seeds suitable as a source of vitamin B2?

Hemp contains especially vitamin E and Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - significantly more vitamin B2 than animal sources. The exception is animal liver. Beef liver, for example, has 3085 micrograms of vitamin B2 per 100 grams.  

But why is the intake of vitamin B2 crucial? Riboflavin intake can affect, among other things, the Skin condition, visual acuity, thyroid gland and muscle development. effect. Possible signs of a deficiency are chapped lips and dry, burning eyes.

How do hemp seeds taste?

Hemp seeds taste slightly nutty and can be purchased shelled or unshelled. The fiber is preserved if the seeds are eaten with the shell. In this case, they are crunchy and suitable as a topping on salads or soups.

The hulled hemp seeds contain less fiber, but have a higher protein and fat content. Due to their calorie content, athletes should maximum 30 grams of hemp seeds per day Consume.

The conclusion - hemp seeds contain valuable ingredients

"You are what you eat": This proverb refers to the importance of a balanced diet. The energy needs of athletes differ from the energy needs of those who do not participate in sports. According to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), intensive training phases and competitions in particular require an appropriate nutrition strategy.

Hemp seeds, the grains of the hemp plant Cannabis Sativa, have no psychoactive effect and contain valuable nutrients. Thus, athletes can benefit from the high vitamin B2 content. In addition, all essential amino acids are contained, which makes hemp seeds a suitable source of protein.

Muscle function and regeneration can be promoted by the minerals magnesium, potassium and calcium contained. For athletes, the inclusion of hemp seeds in the diet can be worthwhile for the reasons mentioned.

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