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Dominik Schlumpf signs for another 4 years with EVZ

The 27-year-old national defender has extended his contract by four years ahead of schedule.

EVZ sporting director Reto Kläy has settled an important personnel matter: Dominik Schlumpf has prematurely extended his contract, which expires at the end of this season, by four years until the end of the 2022/2023 season. The defender, who was also courted by other clubs, moved from Lugano to central Switzerland during the 2014/2015 season in exchange for Alessio Bertaggia and Calle Andersson and has developed into an absolute key player at EVZ. With his defensive and physical qualities, the exemplary team player is also a safe bet in the national team, and since 2014 he has also made regular international appearances.

Reto Kläy is pleased about Dominik Schlumpf's long-term commitment to the EVZ: "Dominik meets all the requirements that a leading player must have. In addition, he is only 27 years young and still has development potential. That's why we didn't have to think twice about giving him this long-term contract."

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