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Christian Scherrer takes over management of Swiss Sailing Team AG

Christian Scherrer

After eleven years of dedicated work for the benefit of Swiss Olympic Sailing, team manager Tom Reulein has decided to leave SST AG at the end of the year. His successor will be former Americas' Cup sailor and sailing sports expert Christian Scherrer. With this change, SST AG is also giving itself a flatter management structure in order to be able to provide even better support for top Swiss sailors.

Professional reorientation after 11-year commitment
After two Olympic cycles, Tom Reulein has decided to step down as team manager at the end of 2021 and to reorient himself professionally. With a successful conclusion of 2021, the German-born captain crowns his 11-year engagement with SST AG. Under Tom Reulein, Swiss elite and Olympic sailing has become more professional and has been able to further consolidate its position at the top of the world with good results. "It has been an honor for me to lead Swiss Sailing Team AG for so many years. My own ambition has always been to get nothing less than the best out of the available resources for my sailors and their coaches. Since the London 2012 Olympic Games, I have been able to work with my colleagues Marco Brunner and Marco Versari to greatly develop the support structure for junior and elite sailors. I am pleased to be able to hand over a high-performance SST AG to my successor and wish him and the entire team continued success on the road to Paris 2024!", says Tom Reulein.

The Board of Directors of Swiss Sailing Team AG as well as the Central Board of Swiss Sailing would like to thank Tom Reulein for his excellent work and for his great commitment to the Swiss sailing sport and wish him all the best and continued success in his private and professional life.

Flatter management structure creates more focus on the sports area
Swiss Sailing Team AG is taking the opportunity of the personnel change to adapt its management structures. Thus, the reorganization creates the part-time position of CEO, which will be held by the well-known Christian Scherrer from January 2022. SST Chairman of the Board Alex Schneiter is delighted: "With Christian Scherrer, we have been able to engage a CEO who, thanks to his many years of experience and activity in sailing, is very well connected in the Swiss sailing scene, but also on the international stage." Christian Scherrer is looking forward to the new job: "I am looking forward to supporting the Swiss Sailing Team in its Olympic aspirations, but it is equally important to help the young and youngest sailors who are the future of our sport."

Marco Brunner, SST Office Manager for many years, will be appointed Chief Operating Officer COO as part of the reorganization. With the recently announced appointment of Riccardo Giuliano as Head Coach Juniors as well as the upcoming appointment of a Head Coach Elite, the operational management moves even closer to the athletes.

"With an even stronger focus on the athletic area, we will create more professional framework conditions in terms of individual support and training conditions for our young talent as well as for the elite in order to be able to achieve our ambitious goals," says Alex Schneiter.

Tom Reulein
Tom Reulein, former team manager of the Swiss Sailing Team AG

Christian Scherrer - the full blooded sailor
Christian Scherrer was discovered by Pierre Fehlmann at the age of 21 and spent his first season as a professional sailor on the maxi yacht Merit Cup. As watch captain, Christian Scherrer subsequently took part in the Whitbread Round the World Race (1993-94) aboard the Merit Cup.

Christian Scherrer competed in four America's Cup campaigns and was part of the winning Alinghi team in 2003 in Auckland, New Zealand. In 2004, he graduated from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur with a degree in Sports and Management. With Peter Gilmour, Christian Scherrer became World Champion in Match Racing in 2006 and Vice World Champion in 2008 with Sebastien Col.

Christian Scherrer has been involved in professional sailing at the highest level for 25 years. He is a consultant, event organizer, sailing commentator, sought-after speaker and coach. As event manager he managed the St. Moritz Match Race as well as the Volvo Match Race Cup for many years and is also founder and shareholder of Bluboats GmbH. In addition, he has been a sailing expert for Swiss television SRF since 2007. Since 2015 Christian is also the class manager of the GC32 Foiling Catamaran and leads the GC32 Racing Tour.

51-year-old Christian Scherrer is married, has two children and lives in Uerikon on Lake Zurich.

The Swiss Sailing Team AG (SST AG) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Swiss Sailing Association with the aim of ensuring the support and promotion of the Swiss elite and Olympic squads. The support consists of a graduated elite and junior development concept in order to be able to establish Swiss junior and top sailors at the top of the world.

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